CEO Greetings

Dear business partners


Dr. Alexander Kaya, General Manager & Founder

The so-called “top-down” approach has dominated the microsystem and semiconductor technology as it is used today in the manufacturing of micro electronic devices for medical applications for more than five decades. The demand for higher throughputs for cost-effective quantities has been continuously increasing and has decisively changed our life.

With an extensive drawback for the coming years: More than 250 complex dull and error-prone silicon processing steps in cleanroom are required today – from idea to finished product – to provide high level micro components, such as medical, biological or chemical sensors, in ensured quality and quantity. Unfortunately achieving higher levels of miniaturization and biocompatibility – vital for many new medical applications – has become a task that either requires great technological efforts or cannot be provided properly anymore using traditional microsystem technology.


Our customers demand flexible manufacturing systems which quickly and easily adapt to challenging requirements in R&D, rapid prototyping and series production as well.


NanoScale Systems (Nanoss) GmbH uses a radically innovative approach, called nano3DSense, to meet these new challenges with unmatched performance and adaptivity: With 3D Nanoprinting we venture the next step into miniaturization: once again we shift the traditional boundaries of microsystem technology in terms of accuracy and adaptivity in a previously unknown manner. We also say good-bye to classic dull silicon, which is commonly considered to be today’s main bottleneck, when designing new exciting medical sensor ideas.

nano3DSense is a revolutionary patented 3D manufacturing platform, which allows to completely bypass expensive and time consuming cleanroom procedures, such as mask and silicon techniques. With nano3DSense technology, a dedicated single processing step, the innovating 3D Nanoprinting method, is invented, which easily and flexibly lets you design, prototype or produce your sensors: with unsurpassed accuracy, fast, and cost-efficient.

The new 3D Nanoprinting with nano3DSense can be used e.g. for highly customizable and yet powerful sensors and sets a new benchmark for today’s measuring technology in medicine: For the first time, pressure, force and strain sensors can be directly printed on a great variety of biocompatible or other tailored materials to measure undistorted physical, chemical or biological quantities. We guarantee true nanometer precision for our sensors.

An example is the development of new biocompatible medical sensors for sophisticated blood pressure probes and implants or ultra-compact catheters with integrated force-feedback for multi-purpose use in the human body. Another example is the application of new “Point of Care (POC)” methods in protein based, micro biological or chemical analytics, such as the label free detection of antibodies, biomarkers or DNA and other substances in real time or fast and compact atomic force microscopy (AFM), e.g. for cell analytics, force spectroscopy and other life science applications:

When implementing your ideas in the micro and nano world, we all jointly enter into new territory.

Please feel free to contact me for our help and support.




General Manager and Founder, NanoScale Systems GmbH